Challenge Of The Yukon – AMasquerade. 440921

On the snowy trail to meet a rich prospector, two men plan to have one of them pose as a nephew to the tall tale telling old gent, MacGregor. Will anybody believe his storie about his relative who is on his way to help out in his gold mine? Though nobody has shown up yet, Sgt Preston passes through town to hear the story of the expected visitor.

The old gent is a little sentimental in his relative coming to help, but will he fall prey to the bandits? Will they learn the location of the mine, and kill him for the fruits of his labor?

Meanwhile, Sgt Preston has found an unconscious man along the trail. Who is he? As moments reach a fury pitch at the gold mine, murder is in store for the old man, the same way it had been for his travelling nephew. Will Preston and King reach the old man in time? Will his murder be complete, and look as an accident as planned? There’s some added good news for old MacGregor as the murder plot is exposed, and justice is doled out.