Frankenstein ep13of13, 1931.

Mobilizing the naval forces he has at his fingertips, the captain of the Voyager befriends Victor Frankenstein. Acting as protector and defender, the captain locks away Victor for safekeeping, and sets out to battle the monster.

Will this last stand come too late? Victor is in poor health, and fears leaving his monster on this earth if he should die soon, and before the beast can be controlled.

There’s no garantee the captain and his crew will ever encounter the beast again, but nothing less than killing the monster will do. When Victor dies, the monster makes an appearance, and has a realization of his own that hints that he isn’t entirely heartless. Does he have any regrets for the terror he has caused on earth? His last act of noble nature invokes pity in those who witness it. Even if Victor had trouble in facing his civic responsibility, the monster proves that he’s able to do the right thing.