Hermits Cave – Fever, A Ghost Story. ep24

An old farmer approaches death, but proclaims to his daughter that he won’t leave everything that he worked so hard for in his lifetime. If it were up to him, he’d refuse to die. Her brother, Eldon, is the money grabbing type, and is thrilled that his inheritance is so close at hand.

The inevitable happens, and Eldon fears catching what his dad died of, and insists that Theo turn over the secret lock box full of cash to him. She tries to resist, but Eldon has his way. What is that ghostly figure? Is dad really dead? Who’s going to take a peak in the coffin to make sure?

The Hermit sets the stage for the upcoming spooky and suspenseful moments. Is dad moving in his coffin? Dad may not have returned from the dead, but he still has a way of preventing his hard won estate from falling into the hands of his ingratful son. What about Theo? What happened to her?

PS: The old man sounds an awful lot like Mr Sprawl from the 1946 episodes of Vic and Sade. Maybe he would feel better if he had him some of them peanuts with the chocolate smeared on the outsides.