Danger Doctor Danfield – The Case of the Darkened Face. 460922.

It’s off to Hollywood for the latest mystery as Doc Danfield and his lovely secretary Miss Fairfax put the puzzle pieces together. A reclusive actress has a secret that has led to murder. She had been entertaining overseas where she contracted a serious skin condition. A chemist came up with a solution that cleared it up, but someone made sure he died, and stole all the formula that he made. Doctor Danfield is certain he knows who took it, but it takes some strategic maneuvering to lure out the culprit.

who would want the famous actress to suffer? what makes it so serious to murder over? Those answers will be forthcoming, right after Dan springs his trap that exposes the killer. The profiling psychologist who is an expert at human behavior reveals what tipped him off, and why his trap workd to catch a bad guy.