Vic and Sade – Womens Auxiliary. 460704

In another half hour episode, we find Vic trying to get Sade excited about joining the women’s auxillary of the lodge. What will people think if the wife of the lodge Big Dipper won’t participate with him? Sade just has no desire to ride big white horses in Vic’s parades. Rush has his own troubles with the news tht Mildred Tisdale told him in front of everybody that he wasn’t good looking.

The scene changes with a reading of a 3rd Lt Stanley book by Rush. He practices evil laughs with Orville Sweenie. This has got to be the longest reading ever of 3rd Lt Stanley, only interupted when Sade enters. Orville jokes about his never ending trouble with raising his pompadour. Sade is worried about how to get Vic to let Mr Corkel play his banjo in the lodge brass band.
Audio gets a little messy as Rush and Orville continue practicing their evil laughs, and the trouble with using a banjo in a brass band. Uncle Fletcher is joined by Roy Dejectedly, who are toying with the idea of starting a competitor to the Tiny Little Petite Feather Teas Shoppe.

The audio makes a leap and clears up. Fletcher takes a wrong number on the phone, and Sade enters again to be taken aback by the crowd in her house. She still has to fend off Vic’s trash about riding in parades on twin white horses… or what about motorcycles? After several false starts, Sade breaks the question about letting Corkel into the brass band. Vic won’t stand for it. Will Sade’s logic fly? It makes music don’t it? Maybe she ought to cave in on the motorcycle thing if Vic caves in on the banjo thing.

Corkel arrives to talk about Edith’s mother, and how she helped their neighbor, Harry Skreecher with his roadster, holding the rear wheels off the ground. Will he get to play his banjo in the band? Running gags from through the show interupt before a compromise is reached.

Note: Still a show filled with running gags and familiar character traits, but a fun one. At least for me.