Vic and Sade – L Vogel Drum. 460801

Vic is all worked up about the latest lodge happenings. L Vogel Drum is a big wig among the the movers and shakers of the Secret Stars of the Milky Way. He’s a person who holds celebrity status to Vic, and he’s going to be in town just to have lunch with Vic. Are Sade and Rush spiffed up and looking their best? Rush tries to paint a word picture to help Sade remember the name of the dignitary. Uncle Fletcher visitsand is in high spirits. Will he cause problems for the company that Vic expects from St Louis? Who is that man skulking around in the yard? It’s Fletcher’s friend, Votch Perney, a hobo.

The family members are gathered to talk to Votch, while Vic puts on his lodge regalia. Should Vic put on his full outfit to go out to meet L Vogel Drum? Sade tries to convince him to just wear a regular suit. Isn’t that what the visitor will be wearing? What will passerby’s think of the velvet robes and plummed hat? Drum arrives, and the lodge brothers greet each other with secret lodge passwords. Greetings are made all around, including the meeting of Drum and Votch. The two feel they’ve met before, but where? Have good impressions been made? Mr Drum shares a secret from his past, and memories pour forth from Votch.

Past lives of being bums together, riding the rails in their younger days, and in hobo camps are shared. The edge is taken off for everybody when they learn the big lodge celebrity is just a regular guy. But what will Vic think about his exalted leader? Vic clings to the idea that all the important phone calls that come in are for high powered business. Instead, a wider network of bums is learned about. Vic holds out for having a parade, since the whole gang are to march downtown for dinner.

Note: A pretty good episode. I’m impressed with Vic not falling into a dark mood, as he might have been seen doing in shorter episodes. He seems to bounce back well from his let down in his lodge idol, and still enjoys the day.