21st Precinct – The Bartender. ep3, 530721

A call comes into the police station, and the cops respond to the shooting at the bar, complete with medical assistance. It’s late with few cars on the street, and fewer pedestrians as police radios squawk their occasional reports, and the police gather up the witnesses.

The man they pic up claims to be running to the police station, but he’s headed the wrong way. Is he telling the truth, or just panicky? He tells his story that he was a substitute bartender, but the cops don’t quite believe him. The captain gives voice over summary to speed the details along about all the logistical activities the department has taken.

The bartender is interviewed in the station to make shure his facts are consistent. The crime scene is relived to help iron out details, and the voiceover continues to outline the story as facts are learned.

In the morning, after a long night in interrogation, the cops are more certain that their man is lying, but did he do it, or is he just covering up for someone else? There’s not enough to arrest their man, Charlie, and the murder weapon is yet to be discovered.

The captain describes how a lineup of mugshots is prepared for, and Charlie finds himself part of it. He puts the finger on a suspect, but he’s a little too quick for comfort. There’s still a matter of the second, and unidentified shooter. Time to put on the heat as the cops pound on the weak spots in the story. They’ve milked old Charlie for all he’s worth, and the patrols hit the street to chase down all the clues they can.

A target emerges as their shooter, but to get to him the police have to knock on some doors of a few of his associates. A lady friend of the new suspect, Al, clarifies some of the murky details, and it’s back to Charlie. All the key players are brought together, and their guilty nature forces the hand of the real killer. Lies are exposed. The real killer has been pointed out.

When the emotions settle back down, it’s life as usual in the precinct, and another call comes in.