Hermits Cave – The Search for Life. ep8, 1930’s

A man is facing a tortured decision over the workhe he does for his boss, Hale Browsen. With hiss assistant, Nada Arling, Cort discusses the scientific work they are all involved in doing. Experiments are done that prolong life, or in bringing people back to life. When Nada is unwilling to marry Cort, rather than leave their work, her murder is planed. Will Cort go through with his plan? Witness one of the creepy experiments the scientists are doing.

Cort drugs Nada to kill her, in hopes of bringing her back in a way she will remember her past, and love him. With the glimpse at the creepy experiment gone awry, is there any risk that Nada will return with her mind molded the Cort expects? Cort’s experiment seems to have worked. She recognizes her man from her past.

Eternal laws have been violated, and the undead experiments rise up against their creaters in search of peace. Will they find the peace they crave? Will the mad scientists find the eternal life they’ve been looking for?