Dragnet – The Big Grab. 550621.

A six year old girl has been abducted, with no sign of a ransom note or kidnapper. It’s up to Joe Friday to find her. There’s a witness, but how much help will he be? Joe and Frank get busy tracking down all the clues they have.

The distraught parents are talked to, but aren’t much help, and Friday isn’t good with people skills to calm down the hysterical mom. Dad is willing to go through with the payoff to get his daughter back. It’s a matter of efficiency, not principles, the parents are afraid the cops techniques will create risk, and they just aren’t willing to gamble the life of their child just to prove a point. I can’t blame them on that one.

The cops are on their own to do what they think best in nabbing the bad guys, as they talk about the latest in high tech methods to mark the bills and identify their kidnappers later. Joe Friday provides dramatic voiceover as the cops prepare for their big moment in hopes of getting their criminal.

Nerves are on edge since it still isn’t known if the girl is even still alive. The deal goes down. Will the cops get their kidnapper? Will the girl be safe? Will the efforts of the cops prove to be affective? Bite your nails right along with the rest of the cast and listen to the dramatic conclusion.