Lone Ranger – The Forest Fire, part 3. 370618

Audio is a bit buzzy sounding. A pioneer family talk about tragedies that are taking place in the lumber camps. Elsewhere in the woods, Lone Ranger encounters an old lumberman who is fleeing from threats of murder. What was it that was said that the old timer overheard? Lone Ranger is quick to respond, and learn what he can about forrest fires near by. Can he win support from the lumber barons on Cinnamon Ridge to put a stop to the fires and sabotage?

The situation heats up when Barton is confronted. A bridge is key to rival lumber camps, if fire should break out, the bridge is the only way for the rival camps to get together to put out fires that would threaten the success of either of them. The evil forces at work try to claim that the Lone Ranger is out to destroy the bridge.

Sure enough, fire breaks out, and the rival lumbermen work shoulder to shoulder to protect their interests. The damaged bridge is only repaired by the heroic efforts of the masked man. Men battle nature to the point of exhaustion. Will their valliant efforts succeed? Lone Ranger sees to it tat justice reigns, as he rides away to leave the credit for success to others.