Black Museum – The Tan Shoe. ep45, 1952

The tan shoe of the left foot has what appears to be a blood stain on the heel. It’s just the thing to link it to murder, and win it’s place in the Black Museum. A man on a train brags to his travelling companions about how much his employer trusts him to carry a large sum of money. No guards, or other protection for the courier and his little black bag. Wow, not too bright of him. Is it any surprise when a dead body is found when the train reaches its terminal. Can you guess who

Wallace Bennet was the courier who carried the payrole to the company of miners. Follow the cops on their trail of questioning the key players. The motive is a simple one, robbery, and the muder by gunshot isn’t difficult to understand. A gun is turned up, and the owner found, but the pistol was reported stolen, and the clue leads down a dead end street. Finally, a witness claims to have seen Bennet and a travelling companion.

The trail to the killer begins in ernest. Clue after clue heats up the path, but no person has been identified yet. Join the chase with Orson Wells offering voiceover, and the inspectors of Scotland Yard move in on their man. In the aftermath, Orson explains all the links to pin the rap on the killer, and the outcome of the trial.