Black Museum – The Spotted Bedsheet. ep43, 1952

It isn’t always weapons or poison that find a place in the Black Museum. Today Orson Wells shares the tale of a common household item that won a place there.

The events take place on a cruise. Miss Parsons flirts with a couple of gentleman suitors who she just met onboard. With the night’s dancing over, the captain and crew are the only ones walking the decks. What strange happenings has the watchman found at the cabin of Miss Parsons? A gentleman caller in a lady’s cabin? Even in 1952, such things weren’t uncommon. It isn’t until the next morning that Miss Parsons is discovered to be missing. Besides spotted and stained bedsheets, what other curious things will the captain turn up? Enough to start a manhunt for a person overboard, or the possibility of a killer on the ship.

Who aborad ship might have wanted her dead? Scotland Yard inspectors are taken aboard to relieve the captain of the investigation. Clues emerge, but where will they lead? A trap is set, and a ship steward falls into it. Orson shares the details of the courtroom outcome, and some unique changes to the usual death penalty that might have befallen the killer.