Tom Mix – Janes Father. 390310

In today’s adventure we find that Jane is an orphan, or so she has believed. William has a secret though, and claims to know who her real father is, and why he has been absent from her life for the past several years. Is the missing father a villain or a hero? William assumes the worst, and teases Jane, but elsewhere, a more adult assessment of the evidence is being examined.

Tom Mix is fighting mad when he discovers that his opponent wants to buy him off, rather than face a legal battle in court to adopt Jane. He prepares his sidekick Pecos to get ready for travelling to question more witnesses. Will Jane have to be a ward of a shady character, or will Tom win her custody?

The answer waits in an upcoming episode, which unfortunately doesn’t exist in my little collection.

Note: Tom Mix was a real life cowboy from the closing days of the Wild West, who managed to be a big enough character to sell himself to radio and film producers as a modern day superhero. I could be mistaken, but I’m fairly certain that he actually portrayed himself in early radio shows and films. Later actors would carry on the role.

Dates on these serials may not be exactly correct, but I don’t see much reason to challenge them.