Black Museum – The Sheath Knife. ep38, 1952.

Examine a few of the artifacts, as Orson Wells points out how a simple sheath knife became involved in murder. Scotland Yard investigators are looking for a man with a good amount of physical strength, who is behind a rash of murders done with a knife. The cops soon question the people in the life of the meek and mild Fred.

Sift through the evidence with Orson and Scotland Yard, as witnesses are interviewed. Who would want to kill Fred? A man who seemed to have no enemies.

A timeline is developed and inspectors examine the train schedules. Key points of evidence emerge, blood traces, a knife, and women. Is there a suspect in the story who fits the profile? Is there some one who had motivation to do the killing?

The unending questions, and gathering of small details begin to paint the picture. A love affair is exposed, and Jimmy Davis is discovered to be both the lover of Fred’s wife, and a man with a sheath knife. Will Jimmy be believed in his claim of self defense? The lovers begin pointing fingers at the other as the culprit.
Orson tells how the case ended up in court, and the fates of the guilty.