Lum and Abner – Squire Suggests a Contractor. 420427

Cedric is still camped out in front of the Jot ‘Em Down store, but Lum has cooked up an idea that might lure him off the property. Lum intends to hold the pinball machine at Luke Spears restaurant hostage to get Cedric to cave in and go away.

In the meantime, Squire enters the store with his suggestion for a contractor to build the apartments. Especially once he is sure that the $10K check from Diogenes is ligitimate. Using the example of the poor contractor who built the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Squire convinces Lum to use the builder that was suggested. Who wants to have a leaning apartment of Pine Ridge, and look foolish? There’s still the matter of Cedric to work out. Did the pinball scheme work out the way Lum planned it?