Lum and Abner – Projectionist Needed. 420409

Besides the recent ordeal about who will be giving speeches at the premiere, Lum and Abner face the need to have a projectionist to show the film. The celebration is going to be a big one, there’s even going to be an airplane full of Hollywood folks to join the festivities at the premiere. Who all is coming? The list isn’t clear, but Don Ameche just might be showing up.

Cedric enters to help out with the problem of running the projector. Lum comes back from Sister Simpsons, and has word about the town going crazy to welcome the Hollywood stars. Will it all be a big drain on his ego? Abner has word that he might have fixed it to keep Don Ameche away from Pine Ridge.

Note: Chet Lauck must have been having trouble with a cold or just not in top voice. Cedric’s voice is awfully close to his usual voice.