Gunsmoke – Doubtful Zone. 570217

A break in at a store finds Matt on the case. The invoice of stolen items sounds like a typical grocery list, but when a report of both a pistol and ammunition is added to the mix red flags shoot up for Matt. Will there be any trouble to worry about?

Relaxing in the Long Branch, Doc shares word with Matt that provides the clue he has been waiting for. The 16 year old run away is all the more surprising bandit when Matt confirms it was a girl who robbed the stores. The desperat gal won’t be easy to take in.

Learning of the plight of the teen ager, the store owners are willing to drop charges. The rampaging run away is still out there, dressing as a man, and when the bank is robbed, she is gunned down. The shooter feels bad about shooting a girl, but shouldn’t be. It was her choice to live the life of a criminal. Matt tries to take that hard stance, but the scent of her perfume is a reminder of her more feminine side.