Green Hornet – Charity Takes It On The Chin. 420221

Bennet is a friend of Britt Reed who has a worry over the dispencing of a charity fund. He has little to do with deciding who gets the benefit, he just co-signs the checks with a man named Tinker. Is there something fishy going on that needs attention? Tinker has a buddy named Murdock, and together they’re skimming the charity fund.

Britt sends out his reporters to talk to people on the charity roles. Will he find any complaints on the street? Does the amount being spent match what is being given out? Is there a way to get an inside angle? Tinker tries to stall Bennet, but soon a set up is put into motion to lay the blame on the honest charity members like Bennet. Though the city officials are fallling for it, the Green Hornet isn’t, springing into action to strike fear into the hearts of the underworld.

While reporters and police hound Mrs Bennet, she gets a letter from the Green Hornet. Will it help her, or make her husband appear all the more guilty? At the least, the wording of the note makes the real racketeers think that the Green Hornet is horning in on their action. Using their own jealousy and greed, the Hornet sets up a trap.

Get ready for the lid to be kicked off of this scam, the innocent cleared, and the crooks bundled up quite nicely for the cops.