Lum and Abner – Lum Discovers The Printing Press. 420320

Lum has worries that keep growing. Are his partners and friends, Abner and Cedric crazy in giving full ownership in the store and resigning? Where are they getting all their money? Who is Mr Adams, and why is he in town?

Sharing in their secret in the feed room, Cedric and Abner try to think of changes to make to the counterfeit money they’re printing. Lum finally catches them redhanded, and suddenly it’s all clear about the suspicious behavior of Diogenes Smith, and his unexpected disappearance from town.

The pipe dream that the printing press was somehow magic is burst. Abner has his wake up call, and realizes the money is actually counterfeit. He now fears going to the penitentiary, but Cedric still plans on using his magic power to get himself out of the mess. Abner scrambles to get rid of the thousands of dollars he has squirreled away, while Lum and Cedric do a last round of printing. Just in time to get caught by Mr Adams, a government man sent to investigate the flood of counterfeit money.