Big Town – Lost And Found. 481207

The headline stories of the big city, dramatically reported by Steve Wilson.

The lost and found pages of the newspaper may be pretty mundane, but occasionally, a big drama can take place there. A reporter from the rival newspaper is missing. As Lauralai and Steve talk, their conversation is interupted by a phone call from the rival newspaper editor with details on the ad found in the lost and found section. The reporter has a hot tip on a gangster who is holding him captive. Is there any chance of Steve finding the missing reporter?

As the thugs try to beat information out of the man, they anticipate working around the moves of the approaching Steve Wilson. Some interesting, and colorful drama takes place as the parties on both sides play some hide and seek.

When Steve and lauralai moves in on the hideout, who has caught who?
As the story comes to it’s exciting climax, the gangsters have to deal with dishonesty amongst the thieves, while Steve confronts the head bad guy. He’s not out of hot water quite yet, so don’t miss the final twists and turns on how he makes the big escape, and saves the day. And solves the mystery of the crime that got the reporter kidnapped in the first place.