Suspense – The Night Before Christmas. 471212

Cathy waits with the house keeper for her mommy and daddy to return from their trip. As Cathy’s anticipation builds, it’s up to Greer Garson to be the stabilizing force. Greer plays Buffy the housekeeper, but it becomes more difficult for her when a bad report is hinted at over a phone call.

What might have happened to Cathy’s parents? Can Buffy keep the news a secret from Cathy?

Maybe a walk downtown for some shopping might distract the eager girl. A visit with friends doesn’t even raise her spirits. Can things get worse? During the battle of patience, Buffy discovers that Cathy is missing.

Cops are called, and it isn’t until late in the evening on this Christmas before Cathy is found. Will her Christmas prayers at the church help bring her parents home? Stay tuned to the suspenseful end for a reading of the well known poem, The Night Before Christmas by Buffy. Christmas prayers have a way of proving that it isn’t the materialistic things under the tree that matters as much as having loved ones to share the day.