Lum and Abner – Mouseys Report. 420227Ridge have found themselves holding down, Abner is feeling overworked.

With all the extra duties and jobs that the folks of Pine Ridge put on him, Lum keeps adding trinkets to his new Air Raid warden uniform to fuel his sense of self importance.

How’s the honest man contest going? What kind of things will be contained in Mousey’s report? Mousey’s dilegence has paid off by producing a detailed accounting of events through the night. A little too much detail for Lum’s expectations. Learn all you could care to know about the nocturnal activity of the friendly hoot owl.

The suspicious events surrounding a car, and Diogenes is nearly overlooked. Is there some other Circulation Manager trying to win Lum’s job away from him? What was the transaction of pamphlets and a large sum of money all about? Whose license plate was recorded from the mysterious automobile?

If Diogenes wasn’t such an upright man, Lum just might think that he was a suspicious character.