Lum and Abner – Lum Is Wearing Diogenes Clothes. 420309

After Diogenes has left town, he left both Lum and Cedric in charge. Lum tries out his new position by wearing Diogenes clothes. The clothes make Lum feel like the eccentric stranger who has come to town, although the size doesn’t quite fit him. Will lum be taken seriously as he spreads the golden words of truth and honesty? He still has to deal with his competition in Cedric.

Cedric enters as Lum leaves, and tells Abner about the things he wants to order from a catalog. Where did Cedric get the wad of bills in his pocket to pay for his wish list? Lum phones in with an emergency as the official air raid warden. Grandpap and Abner talk about what has the town buzzing as Cedric races off to Lum with his air raid uniform.