Lum and Abner – Abner Is Disqualified. 420216

Abner has become the main helper for Diogenes, and today he’s helping get printing supplies for the pamphlets. As Abner helps to produce the pamphlets, Lum is dispatched as delivery boy to get the uplifting words out on the street. Wonderful World!

Using his executive level creative thinking, Lum shares his method for getting the pamphlets distributed. With Lum out delivering, Cedric enters. If you listen close, you’ll find Cedrics voice slipping out of character a little.

The real trouble at hand for Lum, is that it was one of his own Old Edwards sayings that won Abner the job, but will he have any witty Old Peabody sayings that will hold up? Will Diogenes feel betrayed to learn of the dishonesty? Will this turn out to be such a Wonderful World afterall?