Life Of Riley – Christmas Club Account

Christmas Club accounts at the bank were, and still are, a good way to save money thhrough the year to have a little cushion for holiday spending. By putting a small amount away every week, it adds up to a nice amount when it’s time to withdraw it at the end of the year. In the case of Chester Riley, he didn’t have the dedication to stick to his savings plan. While others are reaping the benefits of their diligence, he has nothing. Worse than that, he has even spent all the loose change his family has trusted him with through the year.

How will Riley get himself out of this mess? At the suggestion of his neighbor Gillis, he hocks Peg’s antique jewelry and family heirloom. How much worse can Riley dig himself into a hole? He fakes a robbery to cover his swiping the goods. By the time the cops come to investigate, Peg has figured it out. If Riley wants to live, he had better beg the cops to take him away to protect him from his wife.

There’s a lesson to be learned before it’s all over, and Peg and the kids get to rake Riley over the coals when his boss comes to visit.