Life of Riley – Babs Elderly Boyfriend. 481126

It’s Saturday, and in the Riley home it’s father and son day. A time when father and son can go and do something for those special moments of male bonding. What will Chester Riley do when Junior jilts him for a girl? He realizes that he has been neglecting showing attentions to his daughter, so he switches his focus to hang out with Babs, and her friends down at the corner malt shop.

As Riley tries to whip out the teenage lingo and slang, he apparently misses a little on nailing it down. He ends up embarrassing Babs, but her friends get busy on the rumor mill to crank out the word that he’s really Bab’s elderly boyfriend. With such juicy gossip bouncing around the neighborhood, it gets back to Riley. Now he thinks that Babs has a secret, older boyfriend.

Riley gets worried, blames himself for her downfall, and vows to be a better father. He may be mistaken about the actual problem, but he actually is doing the right thing in trying to reaquaint himself with Babs. A classic case of good initiative, poor judgement.

There outing on the lake provides plenty of fuel for the gossips to set the phone lines on fire. After the lake incident, Riley is suffering from a case of sea sickness, wishing he were dead. Hey, what a nice seguay for Digger ODell to enter. He brings more gossip that Babs is still
seeing the mysterious older boyfriend.

Time to interrogate Babs, and get the details out in the open. When some of her friends stop by, the secret is understood, and Riley is even flattered by some of the details of his mistaken identity.