Amos and Andy – The Marriage Counselor With Retro Plus. 431217 and 291122.

Illuminated taxi cab sign on the roof of a sedan
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

First: Working At A Dairy. 11-22-1929. Andy gets to play the straight man as Amos cranks out joke after joke about cows, and all things concerning cows. Conversation, and jokes turn toward other topics including ancient Rome, and even fishing. The audio seems to be snipped short, but get your pencils ready and get started writing down some cute one liners to add to your personal joke book.

Second: The Marriage Counselor, with Robert Benchley. Andy accompanies Kingfish to a marriage counselor. On the show, he’s a psychologist and author, in real life, he’s just comedian Robert Benchley.

In flashback sequences Kingfish tells why he needs help. It all started with a new laundry business that he got involved with. In covering up for damaging a shirt, George has to buy a new one. He’s spotted in the store and the rumor mill begins churning. Word gets to Sapphire that Kingfish is seeing another woman.

In alternating scenes back to the psychologist’s office, Robert Benchley offers his own philosophies on marriage. The flashback scenes tell how Kingfish was reduced to actually getting a regular, steady job in order to prove his love to Sapphire. So, what can the marriage counselor do to help? What advice is Kingfish still lacking to patch things up? Stay tuned to the final scenes to learn all the answers to those, and more burning questions.