Lum and Abner – Lum Loses The Store. 420108.

In the Jot ‘Em Down store today, Abner and grandpap review the events of the past few days. Lum has signed over the store to Abner, but though he did it only to motivate Mousey to train harder, Abner is taking it seriously. Abner is busy baking bread. Actually he has recruited his wife Lizabeth and daughter Pearl. He has also made a few other changes to the promotion, like not putting the silver dollars into random loaves anymore.

Grandpap studies up how to play a mandolin, as he reads in the library. Lum arrives to give a report on how strong Mousey is becoming at his training. In the process, Abner is confused over what the term Road Work means in relation to boxing.

As orders for the Lucky Loaves explode, Abner lays down the law, and tells Lum that he’s holding Lum to the letter he wrote to make Abner sole owner.