Lum and Abner – Lum Decides To Buy ATrailer For An Office. 350828.

Horlicks: Tests prove that the Horlick plan to lose weight is simple, and affective. Just substitute a tall, cool glass of Horlicks for your usual lunch. It’s safe and nutritious.

Down in Pine Ridge, the stockholders in the silver mine ejected Squire as owner, and Lum has taken over. In Lum’s house today he talks with Abner.

Lum is complaining that the stockholders won’t pay him a salary to handle their business. He’s at the point of wanting to resign from the office. Lum just thinks it’s beneath his standards as president of an important mining company to have to handle the daily chores of running a grocery. Still he doesn’t want to have to pay grandpap to work in his place. All I have to say about that is, “Wah! Deal with it” Life’s tough at the top.

The phone rings and Lum explains to a customer how the store didn’t run due to being short handed, and his other duties in the mining business. Abner presses Lum to make up his mind, and decide which job he wants. Lum confuses Abner over a figure of speech about filling his shoes.

As Lum breaks down and tries to strike a deal for grandpap to come to work, a car pulls up. It’s a man with a trailer just asking directions to the county seat. The trailer gives Lum an idea for the store. He wants to pull a trailer behind the store to use as his office, so he can atend to both businesses at once.

Horlicks: It makes an ideal hot weather lunch, and keeps away that tired feeling in mid afternoon. It makes you more effective and efficient on the job.