Dragnet – Sixteen Jewel Thieves. 490818.

There has been a rash of 16 burglaries in 16 days as a robber terrorizes the city. Joe Friday reports in to handle the case with partner, Ben Romero. As they talk with the emotional chief, more details and reports of more thefts come in.

A big break comes in when the thief finally tries to pawn a few of his trinkets. One clue leads to another, and in dramatic fashon, Joe and Ben chase the robber down in a foot race. The suspect plays it cool, and is as deadpan in his responces as the cops are in giving the questions. It’s enough to begin to rile the normally unflappable Joe Friday.

With the temperature rising, and footwork to do, the cops take their suspect along with them as they try to locate his apartment. The tightlipped crook’s defenses crumble when his landlady recognizes him, then his girlfriend shows herself to be less conditioned in keeping quiet as the stoic bad guy.

Note: the theif is voiced by Harry Morgan. In the last episode he was one of the witnesses, and of course would later be Joe Friday’s TV partner, Bill Gannon.