Vic and Sade – Don’t Help Dust, Uncle Fletcher. 410917.

Just as Sade is taking a break from dusting, and about to visit with a friend, uncle Fletcher comes over. Being the helpful gent, he tries to help with the household chore, only to knock over a coffee pot. As she goes to get a rag to clean the spill, uncle Fletcher helps by picking up the pieces of broken cups. As long as he’s on the floor, he decides to have a look for his missing glasses. As long as Fletcher has lived, he ought to be aware of a couple things. Don’t snoop around a womans house, and comment on dust, and the lack of tidiness.

The whole time, Fletcher spends more time making messes, and talking about how he’ll help. The phone interuptions don’t help with Sade’s patience level. When time runs short, and other obligations and appointments need to be met, it’s time to move on along. Will Sade get tough and force Fletcher to leave? Her hints don’t seem to be cutting it.