You Bet Your Life – Secret Word, Foot. 500517.

First a note: Audio is a little funky, with a background ringing noise. The date also seems to be mislabled, since the sponsor has changed months earlier from Elgin America to DeSoto Plymouth.

Getting on with the show… The contestants include:

  1. A mail clerk for a studio, and the president of a fan club. Groucho learns a few stats on how fan mail is handled, and what makes a fan club tick.
  2. A stewardess and a traveling salesman are up next. Groucho enjoys grilling the two folks from these travelling occupations.
  3. A manicurist and a blacksmith. More occupational humor reigns as Groucho compares the similarities of the two career people.

Listen in to see who makes it to the final round, and if the secret word will make an appearance.