Our Miss Brooks – New Girl in Town. 560506.

We learn from the morning conversation between Mrs Davis, Connie, and Harriot that there’s a new girl in town. Delorres Roberts has all the guys going crazy over her. Can Connie prevent the new girl from latching onto Walter? Delorres has some disturbing word of her own when she tells Connie about Boynton making visits to the Roberts home to visit her mom. Confrontation time. Is Boynton actually interested in Mrs Roberts? Boynton has troubles of his own when he fears that Conklin won’t approve of him using school grounds to bury dead lab animals.

Where is all this going? Harriot decides to drop hints to the new mom in town that Boynton kills off his dates, and to be warned. What will Conklin think when he catches the grave diggers red handed? The morbid fun keeps growing when Walter and Mrs Roberts appear on the scene as well. Will the truth ever come out about the animals, and about who is chasing whom?