Black Museum – The Open Ended Wrench. ep29, 1952.

From the annals of the cases of crime at Scotland Yard, Orson Wells brings us another display of murder. This time it’s about how a common tool of mechanics has become involved with death.

A car has been spotted off the road, but is it just a typical accident, or is there something more sinister afoot? What do the early clues indicate?

The body in the car is a woman, but is she the owner of the vehicle. Tracing that clue leads to more. Did she simply fall asleep at the wheel? Autopsy results are soon to arrive. Causes of death indicate she was dead before the crash took place, and things heat up once murder has been identified. Pieces begin to form into a picture as the cops take a close look. The dead womans husband is turned up and notified. Are there any other suspects who she may have crossed paths with?

The cops do their best to back track through her last known steps to gain as much information as possible and recreate the crime. Will there be any luck in turning up evidence on the husband, her mechanic, or some other lover that she was going to meet? The killer left fingerprints in the car, but how will the police match them to their owner? The noose closes in, and a chase with gunplay results before the killer is brought to justice.