American Trail – The Brave Flag. ep13, 1953.

This short series ends up with the story of how our flag came to be, and some of it’s history. George Washington was instrumental in the first designs for the flag. Jumping to more modern times, the drama highlights the morale that the flag brought to the troops in the recent war. The symbol of freedom that it represents is addressed, and that we have a duty to it as a symbol of our nation, as well that it has a duty to protect it’s citezens.

Where will the flag, America, go from here? Those who were alive at this time in the mid 20th century offer the hope of the future to us, the current generation.

PS: Since we are that future generation, think of where we ar today, and whether that past generation would be proud of the direction we have taken with their gift. Will the generation of our future carry on the torch of National pride? Just wondering what you think. Make sure to register and log in, then leave me a comment on the matter.