Dragnet – The Big Compulsion. 560417.

Assigned to robbery detail, a robber threatens the lives of citezens with a ten cent piece. Huh? And it’s up to Joe Frieday to get him!. In a hospital room, Joe and Frank question a man about the stunt he pulled to put him under medical care. A salesman who is also a veteran of the war has been placing prank phone calls, calling alarms for fire, police, and other emergencies. He just can’t remember that he does it. Still, there’s another suspect that the cops are in search of, and their investigation continues.

Joe Friday offers voiceover to explain the investigation, an how it’s progressing. Robbers are taking advantage of the false alarms to break in while emergency crews are on wild goose chases. Then the worst happens and someone gets hurt over the ordeal. Emergency vehicles collide, and cause harm to both life and property. To get a lead on their bad guys, Joe interviews witnesses of the accident, and canvasses the crowds who watch the false fire alarms.

A plan is developed, but it takes extra man power to respond to both the alarm, and to keep the caller on the line to try to trace the call, and send a car outto the scene to catch their prankster. Will it work, or will it just drive their robber into hiding?

Soon, other avenues to close in on him are arranged. Will family and friends be willing to work with the cops? Maybe. Will the help from a psychiatrist help with the case? When George is cornered he could become desperate in his evasion measures.