Black Museum – A Jar Of Acid. ep20, 1952.

The story of crime begins in the echoing halls of the Black Museum. Then we have Orson Wells transition us to a scene of two women who wait for a gentleman caller.

Mr Hart seems to center his attentions on Mrs Reagan. Will that fact make a difference to Miss Ashcroft? Maybe the difference between life and death. Mrs Reagan turns up missing, and Mr hart is worried when his high society friend has missed a luncheon date. Most distressing.

At first the police aren’t concerned, and list Mrs Regan simply among the roles of missing persons. Questions about the missed meeting and last known whereabouts begin to turn up suspicious facts. Stories don’t ring true. Days pass, information is sifted through, facts are checked, but how will it all payoff? When the pressure turns up, the killer cracks and ad mits all.