You Bet Your Life – Secret Word, Bread. 500208

Close-up of a pair of spectacles or eyeglasses designed to improve vision, with silver frames and clear lenses.
"Used with permission from Microsoft."

The comedy quiz series produced in Hollywood, with Groucho Marx as host.

  1. A pediatrician and a mother are first up. Once Groucho figures out which is which, he learns about their families, and good nutrition.
  2. A housewife, and a shoemaker are next. Groucho gets punny with the shoemaker, and learns how the woman met her husband.
  3. An artist and a model wrap up the show. She’s a mother of 3, but judging from the whistles in the audience, she doesn’t look like it. Groucho clarifies the kind of art the man is an expert in.

Who will go to the final round for the chance at the big money? Listen to see if anybody says the secret word for a fast $100.

Note: The second contestant mentions her husband being stuck in a transom. In old doorways, that’s the little window above the actual door. It was used in the days before air conditioning to open for ventillation.