Lum and Abner – Lum and Abner Operate a Bank. 410825.

Some time has gone by when we have any existing episodes. Any troubles with Lum and Abners rabbits, or their adventures with the new farm they bought seem to have taken care of themselves. Today as we look in on Pine Ridge, we learn that Lum and Abner have started a new bank. Apparently there had been some troubles over a burglar alarm that Abner invented, and today they talk about how to make their vault safer.

Lum is concerned over their accounting procedures, but Abner sees the overage as profit, rather than cheating someone out of their cash. Abner is also a little confused over how earning interest is done. Lum relates to other banking woes, and Cedric’s habit of drawing checks for expenses for as little as a nickel. It all sounds like a great idea, but where does Lum and Abner keep their money?