Lum and Abner – Abners Rabbits Worth Money. 410610.

After his whim of dressing Mr Dellbeck, the store’s dummy as Mrs Dillbeck, Abner has found himself in hot water with Lizabeth. He tells Cedric about the trouble he’s in. Lum enters to tell how the guys in Mose Moots barber shop are talking about the war. At this time, America wasn’t in the war, but it had been raging through Europe for the past couple years.

Lum then claims that Mr Dillbeck reminds him of Charlie Dillbeck, a bank robber of note in the nearby town of Cherry Hill. The conversation drifts back to their rabbit problem. It reminds Lum that he saw an add to sell rabbits through the mail. The last count on the rabits is over 10 times what Abner started with. Lum is seeing dollar signs.