Casey, Crime Photographer – The Camera Bug. 471016.

Casey has a fan, an amateur camera bug named Alan Forrester. In the Blue Note, Casey, Ann, and Ethylbert argue over who has it worse as they live their own dogs life in their jobs. On a case dealing with a murder, Alan is on the scene, and was lucky enough to get some eye witness photos. With his photographic evidence, it’s looking like an open and shut case.

Though Casey still tries to warn Alan off of living the dogs life of a photographer, the pictures are top notch. In the Blue Note a mix up over Alan and his pictures emerge. Is Alan alright? Casey finds clues in the crime scene photos that shed light on who really committed the murder, and what might have happened to the now missing Alan. Casey is soon mixed up with the gangsters behind the crime, but he’ll need to think fast if he wants to get away alive.