Gunsmoke – Romeo. 560122.

Get ready for a Romeo and Juliet story done in Western style. But don’t think you’ll know the ending, this isn’t Shakespeare afterall.

Jake is a man in town who wants another gent put in jail. As Matt inquires on the nature of the crime, it’s just because the undesireable man is trying to court his daughter, Julia. When nothing can be done, a family feud is about to break out as the two clans clash over the young lovers.

With love in the air, even Doc is sympathetic to pushing the lovers together, but a lazy day in Dodge puts Matt on the spot when Andy and Julie approach him about sneaking out of town. Though he doesn’t want to get involved, or stir up the hot feelings, Matt sees no other choice than to help keep Julie and Andy out of sight until they can elope. Things take a violent turn when Jake has hired a gunman to take his missing girl back.

The least of Matt’s concerns is a gunfight, but the tragedy in store isn’t for him, or the young couple, but for… But why should I tell you, listen in and enjoy.