Gunsmoke – How To Cure A Friend. 560115.

Word about a visiting Texan comes to Matt from a gossipy barber. Matt was friends with the man once, and knows that he’s more than a drifting gambler, he’s also handy with a gun.

Chester picks mats brain for the story of the old friendship. Nick defends himself over being accused of being a crooked gambler. In the Long Branch Salloon, Matt relaxes with Miss Kitty, but Sam the bartender is still worried at the rumor that Nick is going to make trouble with his guns. Weeks pass without any problem.

A high stakes, one on one, poker game is going down, and red flags shoot up for Matt. He takes a trip to the Long Branch to keep an eye on things. Will the tension cause Nick to go for his guns? He had better watch out or Matt just might end his career as both a gambler and a shootist.