Cisco Kid – Blazing Guns At Love Bend. 530618.

The Marshall has his hands full, and calls on his friend the Cisco Kid to handle a dispute between ranchers and nestors. Cisco is willing to try, but he won’t have any official authority in the matter. By the time Cisco and Pancho ride onto the scene, a murder has already went down. Is it too late for Cisco to mediate the trouble, or is it time for gunplay?

In town, we learn that not all the ranchers are behind the young hothead who gunned down the nester.

The young hothead rancher, Cushman, has attacked and captured Cisco and Pancho. Facing a lynching as the guests of honor, it isn’t looking good for our heros. Making their escape, Cisco has his work cut out for him, but has a plan to settle matters down, and let the law deal with punishing Cushman for his deeds.

Join the hard fighting, action as Cisco brings justice to the range for the ranchers and nesters.