Burns and Allen – Getting a Movie Contract. 500111.

Sponsored by Amadent toothpaste. At the start of a new half century, it’s all the buzz to pick the top men of the first half century. Gracie of course thinks that George should recieve top glories for his singing and performing abilities. Sam, a neighbor, shows up to tease George about a borrowed suit.

Gracie talks about a young, new starlet that she wants to help get a job. Can George help her launch her acting career? While George goes to play a round of golf, Gracie tries her hand at getting her friend, Margret Kelley, the chance to meet a Hollywood producer.

Has George proved his point that an unknown actress can’t break into pictures? Gracie still has some publicity ideas to try out.

Classic line. George: He wants to go to the countryclub and hit a few golf balls with me. Gracie: Oh no you don’t. Make him use a club