Superman – The $5 Million Gold Heist. 6of8, 401208.

At the Daily Planet, Clark Kent receives orders from Perry White. He and Jimmy Olsen are to take an airplane to Hawthorne. When in Hawthorne, Clark and Jimmy are to take the train with the two million dollars in gold back to Metropolis to make sure nothing goes wrong with this shipment. However, Clark thinks Superman should look over the train tracks going from Hawthorne to Metropolis to be more secure. When at the airport, the pilot gives Jimmy a message from Clark saying that the reporter will meet the copy boy on the train later.

At the same time, Superman is inspecting the train tracks from Hawthorne to Metropolis. He then sees a man come out of a hidden hole in the mountain. He asks the man what’s inside the mountain, and the man takes him to see what the secret cave holds. Inside is a group of men with a shortwave radio and the missing car with the five million dollars in gold from the first train shipment.

Later, Jimmy arrives in Hawthorne and boards the train to Metropolis. Clark Kent, however, is nowhere to be found, and the train is leaving at five o’clock instead of six o’clock as it was originally scheduled. Neither Jimmy nor Superman knows that the boss is planning on blowing up the bridge to make the train fall in the ravine.

Meanwhile, Superman beats a confession out of the men in the secret cave. The boss had some men disguised as freightmen on the train carrying the five million dollars in gold. They uncoupled the armored car when the train went up a hill slowly. Once the train had climbed the hill, everything was put back together without the armored car full of gold. The armored car was then taken down some emergency tracks into the secret cave. Once the car was inside the cave, the tracks were removed. All the gold is still in the armored car, but the guards in the car are locked in a prison somewhere.

After the confession, Superman makes one of the men call the boss. His job is to send a message for the boss to come to the cave by making the criminal mastermind worry that something’s happened to the gold. Superman’s plan works. It seems like the boss will be coming to the cave. However, there is also the problem of Rainbow Bridge, which Superman learned about from the message sent to the boss. The bridge will explode once the train reaches it, and Superman doesn’t know about the schedule change.

As for the train, it’s fifteen minutes away from Rainbow Bridge. Jimmy Olsen is enjoying seeing the engine of the train, but he’s worried about Clark Kent. Clark thought the train would be leaving at six o’clock. The engineer tells Jimmy not to worry too much and enjoy the ride. Jimmy and the engineer enjoy the scenery as the train is five minutes away from Rainbow Bridge.

–Part of an article by James Lantz, found on The Review Page on the Superman Home Page.