Superman – Puzzle Of The Poison Pomegranate. 491126.

A murder takes place at a chemist lab. The mystery involves how the dead chemist was poisoned. Did he do it himself? Was he murdered? Who might want him dead, and have the opportunity to kill him? Since Lois Lane was to interview the dead scientist, she makes sure to call Clark Kent to the scene as well as the cops. Together the cops and Clark examine the clues at the crime scene, and interview the secretary who took the man his lunch.

The other scientist might have a reason to kill his co-worker, but did he? What’s the significance of the lab monkey in the cage? The cop is baffled, but rather than resorting to strong arm tactics, Clark plans a reenactment of the murder to help clear things up.

When the pressure is on, the killer shows his hand when he tries to push the secretary out the window. It’ll be a job for Superman to rescue the falling woman, and up to Clark to unravel the mystery of the poison, the scientists, and the lab monkey.