Great Gildersleeve – A Job For Bronco. 491116.

In the Gildersleeve home, young love competes with old love for the use of the parlor. With romantic intentions interupted, the foursome of Gildersleeve and Catherine Milford, and Marjorie and Bronco, decide to talk, and get to know each other better. What Bronco needs is a better job than the one he has at the library. Something to apply his drive and ambition. Guess who the newest watter department employee is going to be? Expectations runs high, but how much weight will the big man pull in the hiring process?

Bronco shows up for his first day on the job, but rather than disappointing the eager young man, Gildy is put on the spot to find something for him to do. Gildy heads to Peavey’s to clear his mind, and get some advice. In Gildy’s absense, Bronco has proven himself a go getter in doing tasks that are in need of doing. Still, Gildy finds himself on the outs with the Mayor. What can Gildersleeve do? Listen and learn.