X Minus One – Child’s Play. 551020. (retro353).

Sam works in a huge law firm, but he’s low on the totem pole of importance. He’s a meek and mild character who watches his friends pass him by in promotions, and fears he might even lose his girlfriend, a secretary in the firm, to competition from his fellow co-workers as well.

One day he recieves a mysterious box made from pure gold, and with an inscription indicating it is from 200 years in the future. It seems to be something of a futuristic chemestry set designed for kids. Inn reading the instructions, it is a kit to build, and disassemble, a person. Sam decides to give the kit a go, but he’s missing a few ingredients. If only Sam could build a clone of himself. One without all the psychological baggage. One who would be dynamic and charismatic. Sam could be a success, and win the girl. Right?

Sam’s clone is all that, and more. Maybe too much more. Sam’s troubles are soon ended when a man from the future comes for the chemestry set, and promises to set things right. I don’t think things end up quite the way Sam planned though.

Bonus Track:
Unknown singer. Ghost Riders in the Sky.