Gunsmoke – Trouble In Kansas. 551016.

Doc and Matt take a leisurely stroll to the Long Branch Salloon for a chat with Kitty. A cantankerous cowboy is pointed out who may be giving Matt some troubles.

Chester and Matt keep a close eye on Jim Hoyt, following him out on the prairie where the cattle are herded. Matt confronts the trail boss about the threat to kill Kansans. A story of revenge against J-hawkers is revealed. What’s a J-hawker? Just listen and Matt will fill you in. When harrassment from the J-hawkers persists, Matt offers his assistance to ride with the herd.

Which is the greater danger, the cowboys who just want to sell their cows, or the terrorizing J-hawkers? Things won’t get better until gunplay is involved. It’s up to Matt to make sure no innocent bystanders get into the fray, and to ensure justice is done.